Monday, July 25, 2011

converting ai to fla

Quick Tip: Importing Art from Illustrator to a Flash Library

Flash has the ability to import native Adobe Illustrator (AI) files but there are a few quirks to be aware of.

First, it imports every layer, including every sub-layer, as a separate symbol. That means every single component of your artwork will end up as a separate symbol. Completely unworkable. To get around this, anything that you want to be a single symbol in Flash needs to be converted into a symbol in your Illustrator file. Here’s the trick though: after converting it to a symbol, delete the original artwork and then drag your symbol to the artboard. That symbol will exist on one layer with no sub-layers.

Second, Flash will tell you that it can import native Adobe Illustrator files up to version 10 but it will happily try (and fail) to import your CS3 file. Do as it says and not as it does. Save your artwork to version 10 before importing.

You can’t import an Illustrator symbol library directly into Flash, at least not in CS3.

Create your artwork in Adobe Illustrator.
Select the elements you want grouped as a symbol in Flash.
Drag those elements to your Illustrator symbol library.
Repeat until you’ve created all your symbols.
Select all. Delete all. (Clear your artboard.)
Drag each symbol back to the artboard.
Save as an Illustrator 10 file.
In Flash, choose File => Import to Library.
Select your Illustrator file and you should be done.
A note about color: if you’re experiencing the classic Adobe color shift, open up your Illustrator artwork and manually assign it your monitor profile (Edit => Assign Profile…). Re-save your artwork and re-import it to your Flash library and the color shift should be gone.

Tags: Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Miscellaneous, Quick Tips

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